Theatre and Radio

Il taccuino di Simone Weil (Bam!Bam! Teatro and MAB ensemble, 2019)
La Pietra e il Bambino (Teatro Gioco Vita, 2013)
Other dramaturgical projects

Radio Magica


Il taccuino di Simone Weil

from the novel by Guia Risari
directed by Irene Fioravante
adaptation by Irene Fioravante and Monica Ceccardi
with Monica Ceccardi
audio and light technician Claudio Modugno
scenes by Roberto Maria Macchi
original music by Stefano Papetti
organization Daniele Giovanardi and Antonella Carli
Bam!Bam! Teatro and MAB ensemble, 2019
DEBUT AUGUST 31st 2019

A monologue that brings Simone Weil's story "alive" through her readings, her travels, but above all her great questions about the world and the intimate need to know and understand it.
We will approach the great thinker of the last century through the meetings that lead Simone Weil to be close to those who are different: her becoming a worker, a fighter and a teacher to understand, to help, to reveal the truth coinceived as the only way to feel strong and united.
An invitation to young viewers to activate their thoughts, not to give in to homologation, to express their uniqueness, to claim the right to respect and dignity.
A dramaturgy that captures the public till the end, in search of a meaning, an answer, a salvation, but above all a tribute to a fragile figure in the body, but immortal in ideas, today more than ever crucial.

"«Why? What?» It wasn't easy to answer, but I tried. Seriously. I never tell stories to children, I never treat them as little. They don't need lies. They'll find them later in life. They deserve instead all the truth and depth we are capable of... "

Stage photos
The company

La Pietra e il Bambino

text Guia Risari
direction and scenes Fabrizio Montecchi
drawings Nicoletta Garioni
silhouettes Nicoletta Garioni, Federica Ferrari
musics Michele Fedrigotti
Teatro Gioco Vita, Piacenza, 2013
DEBUT MARCH 3rd, 2013

Since time immemorial, on a hilltop surrounded only by trees and clouds, lived a stone. Neither large nor small, grey and brown, it shone golden in the sunlight and silvery under the moon. Like all minerals, our stone was solid, but also resilient. When an animal approached it, the stone would quiver and change colour. At times it even changed size and form. The stone loved other living beings and especially playing with them. It gave advice, in its own little way, because it didn’t have a voice.
One day a young boy came by. He was alone. No-one knew his name because he did not speak. He had been touched by war. And fatigue.
He sat by the stone and began to stroke it. He huddled up to her and fell asleep…

Stage photos
The company




For children's theater

  • La pietra e il bambino [The Stone and the Boy]: a fable about nature, animals and men, on war and the soothing power of love (Italian and French text for Teatro Gioco Vita -
  • Achille il puntino [Aquiles the Little Dot]: a history on growing: from a point in a white sheet to a living being. A journey through the senses, the world and the meetings, accompanied by songs and poems (adapted from the book by G. Risari, Aquiles el puntito Kalandraka 2006, by kind permission of the publisher)
For contemporary theatre
  • Tutti si chiamano Otis [Everybody is Otis]: a family tries to lead a quiet and reassuring life, by seeing only fictional characters that are called Otis. A bittersweet comedy, to the limit of the theater of the absurd, on the denial of the reality and on a withdrawn society (theatre play written with Enrico Ceva)
  • Diversione [Diversion]: choral drama about homosexuality, women traumas and childhood
  • L'attesa [The Delay]: with a vibrant and poetic voice, a woman tells about her imprisonment in a provincial life, the incest and the insanity. She evokes unforgettable characters and situations
  • Proposte di genocidio [Proposal for genocides]: a tyrant by accident leads the audience, with a perfectly logic reasoning, to the extermination of everybody, including himself. An ironic and provocative reflection on contemporary idiosyncrasies and on the language of power
All dramas are deposited at S.I.A.E. and the Archives of Outis (
Their full version is available on request.
For other dramaturgical projects, translations or adaptations of books to the theater, contact Guia Risari.


Radio Magica

Radio Magica trasmette in streaming via web programmi radiofonici dedicati al pubblico dei bambini, dei ragazzi e delle famiglie. Il palinsesto è curato giornalmente da una redazione di autori, speaker, consulenti musicali: lavorano a stretto contatto con l'equipe tecnico-scientifica per adattare i contenuti ai bisogni e desideri d'ascolto delle diverse fasce d'età da zero a tredici anni. Ogni prodotto offerto dalle case editrici (libri, audiolibri, audiofiabe) in linea con le scelte redazionali è inserito nelle rubriche radiofoniche di Radio Magica.
Inoltre bambini e ragazzi sono coinvolti nella produzione radiofonica attraverso laboratori di scrittura e lettura con la supervisione della redazione.
La web radio si può ascoltare da ogni dispositivo connesso a internet: computer, smartphone, tablet, smart tv, apparecchi web radio.

Opening theme song (mp3), © text by Guia Risari
Final theme song (mp3), © text by Guia Risari
Vita da Brasato, © text by Guia Risari
La Renna della Senna, © text by Guia Risari
Il Cavaliere che pestò la coda al Drago, text by Guia Risari (rigths EDT-Giralangolo)
Gli insetti Giocatori, © text by Guia Risari
Il Pesce Saggio, © text by Guia Risari
Radio Magica Libera Tutti: Le avventure di Gustavo. Stories in the Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo. Texts by Guia Risari
Radio Magica Libera Tutti: Audio tour nel Parco Regionale della Lessinia. Texts by Guia Risari
Fondazione Radio Magica


Copyright © Guia Risari 2004 -